Well I've written the next part. I just love the Banished. Brilliant villains. So much fun to write. I will hopefully be introducing some more of you in Part 5 *looks over at Alex and Skyril* and hopefully we'll see a bit more of Kallista and Israel as well.
In a dark and shadowy chamber the Banished were gathered together waiting for Nyx Dawn to report. A piercing inhuman voice shrieked with rage. Her voice rose to a cacophonous frenzy of blood lust and fury, blotting out the squeals and cries of the ill fated messenger. His tortured screams, exceedingly shrill and drawn out were drowned by the roar of the Banished’s leader, as She thought of the terrible news that the messenger had brought. Her face was twisted in paroxysms of seething wrath as She continued to feast. Gradually the horrific sounds emanating from the messenger ceased, leaving only the vile noises of crunching, swallowing and the chewing of flesh and gristle. Eventually these sounds also ceased, leaving unadulterated silence. As blood dripped from Her jaws She stared around at the other three, who sat there quiet and impassive, waiting for Her to speak. But She just seethed, and the redness slowly drained from Her eyes. Then She turned around and the Banished continued to wait for the report of Nyx Dawn.
Meanwhile, Nyx Dawn herself cursed and wiped her long black hair out of her eyes. She was due to report to her masters in five minutes and they did not like to be kept waiting. She remembered the threat for anything that was less than perfect and she had absolutely no desire to be devoured. Yet a complication had arisen, one that she knew would make her masters completely livid and was wandering how to tell them whilst keeping her life. As she looked over the acres of land that surrounded the giant manor known only as Elysium Asylum, she hoped that this would be the last time, never again did she wish to try and break into such a haven, it was currently beyond her power. But at last her target had left the building, hopefully to somewhere more accessible. Yet here was the complication. He was not alone. Her masters had assured her that he would come here in vain, that he would not find the person he was looking for. However it appeared that he had succeeded for he had left with a young boy with flaming hair. Literally. His hair was constantly on fire. And now she had to make a report to her masters informing them that Octaboona Ambrosius was no longer the last.
Nyx took out her mobile and called the Banished. Thankfully it was not She who answered but the other female.
“I am here to make my report” Nyx stated briskly. “Octaboona Ambrosius has left Elysium Asylum at last. Although there is one small complication....”
“We know of it.” the cold harsh voice snapped. “The messenger who told us has met an unfortunate...demise. Be thankful that we know or your fate would be most...unpleasant.”
Nyx shuddered. “Take out the boy first. Then return to your original assignment.” The phone went dead.
As the sun set in a glow of crimson and amber, the light glinted off the jewelled dagger in Nyx’s hand and off the blackness of her eyes. A dreadful calmness could be seen in them as a tendril of shadow snaked its way around the dagger’s gleaming blade.
“I am coming.”
Pyro-Dawn tried pushing at the air. The feather didn’t move. Pyro-Dawn screwed up his face and tried again. The feather remained resolutely still. Pyro willed the feather to move with every iota of his being. He pushed at the air again. The feather didn’t even twitch. Pyro glared at it, pointed a finger at it and a torrent of fire gushed from his fingertip, incinerating the feather and reducing it to less than ash.
“Ha. Take that you lousy feather!” Pyro muttered.
Octaboona looked up and sighed. He waved his hand and gathered the individual atoms that made up the feather from the air and reassembled them. The feather reappeared in front of Pyro, who made a face, then Octaboona flicked his finger and the feather went flying up into the air.
“Now try again. And please try and refrain from burning it. It got boring after the first twelve times.”
Pyro glared daggers at the feather and tried pushing at the feather again. To his surprise, it moved slightly.
“Well done.” Octaboona looked at Pyro. “You have managed to show some control over an element other than fire. Yes you have a particular affinity for fire but you need to have absolute control over the other three elements. You have the ability. I saw it in you.”
He lowered his voice. “You are the one.”
Pyro rolled his eyes and the fire in his hair flashed a little more brightly. “The one what?” he asked impatiently. “You keep on saying I am the one and that you are no longer the last, we all have the Force, the Death star will destroy us all, yada, yada, yada. But why are you so vague?” he cried. “Can’t you be a bit more specific? You are the last what exactly? I am the one to do what? And who are these Banished people anyway?”
Octaboona’s eyes flashed with a steely glint and Pyro fell silent.
“All in good time Pyro-Dawn. When you are ready to know I will tell you.”
Pyro sighed and incinerated the feather once again.
The Banished opened their eyes and gasped.
“It’s true.” the first voice said. “Octaboona Ambrosius is no longer the last Great Immortal. He turned to look at Her. “He has found a second.”
A second voice issued from the darkness. “It is of even more importance that Nyx Dawn kills the boy, before he learns too much.” His voice went deep and raspy as She took control of his mind. “He must die before he finds out who we are!”